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Free Hang Drum by Sonixinema

Hang Drums Features a highly unique set of never before captured articulations, this multi-sampled Hang Drum is truly one of a kind and captures an incredibly raw and soulful tone which is perfect for modern cinematic music. Performed by virtuoso Hang player, Marc Constantine, this library was designed to fill a gap in the virtual Hang Drum market.

So whats a Hang Drum ?

As the instrument looked and played like a drum, most people learned the instrument name “Hang Drum,” which was more popular than the original name “Hang,”. The Drum now is officially called as Hand Pan.

In the middle eastern countries the name "Pantam" is usually used. handpan and pantam are the generic terms like guitar, while Hang and Space Drum are special instruments from specific brands.

When it comes to the sound. They are considered melodic percussion instruments, and their sound is produced by hitting the note areas on the tonefield (tone circle) and the center, which vibrates the whole instrument.

To use Hang Drum From Sonixinema, you will need the free kontakt player.

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