Plugin Alliance has release Lindell Audio MBC Compressor. MBC Compressor is a Multi-Band version of Lindell Audios SBC Compressor.
You can now get MBC Compressor FREE by purchasing SBC Compressor which is also on sale at $29 from $299
This offer is valid till 14th Feb, 2023.
▷ Faithful emulation of the API® 2500 compressor and 2520 Op Amp with three compressor bands: Low, Mid and High
▷Flexible crossover selection for custom tailoring your frequency bands
▷ A suite of useful presets for all major applications and instrument groups
▷ Full variable wet/dry Mix knob
▷ Unique filter section provides the option of low cut and high boost for precisely targeted compression
▷ Variable link between left and right channels
▷ Select older "feed back" or more modern "feed forward" compression
▷ Added “NUKE” option for even more aggressive compression
▷ Selectable ratio, attack and release times
▷ Soft, medium or hard knee for gentler or sharper compression tones
▷ Auto and manual gain make up
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